
Friday, July 29, 2022

The Legends of Western Cinema Week 2022 Tag: Two Lies and a Truth

Saddle up for some fun!

If you guys didn't know, this week was Legends of Western Cinema Week! It is just wrapping up, so I'm trying to get in just in time. This event is hosted by Hamlette, Heidi, and Olivia (click on their names for the links!) every year and is quite the celebration of all your favorite fictional cowpokes, outlaws, and wranglers. I had big plans for reviewing some things, but manual labor got in the way. Thankfully, I was in the shade so I didn't feel like I was out on the prairie, but I can only participate in the tag this year.

Also, I have only seen 34 westerns (give or take). Which, compared to any other genre, sounds like a lot, but, as far as the participants of this party go, I'm on the light side. I often just stick to the same ten over and over again anyway. I'm quite predictable! And I am so boring. Because of that, I'm putting my own spin on the tag this year. You've all heard of "Two Truths and a Lie"? Well, for each answer I will have "Two Lies and a Truth". I may have seen some of the movies in each question, but there may be red herrings that I've only heard of. Or some I detest. 

There are two wild card answers here, though: For one, I haven't seen any of them (in their entirely, only parts), and for another there is no lie.

Pay no mind to the gifs and pictures. They aren't clues, I'm just trying to spice the look of the post up.

 What are you readers supposed to do? Nothing, actually! You can just smile smugly if you can easily spot the truth. These questions are fabulous, but my answers are just another plate of cold beans. This is quite wild, I'm sorry, but it's what I come up with when I'm digging holes for hours... No more dillydallying, let's get to dishing out some tall tales!

The Legends of Western Cinema Week 2022 Tag:

1) Favorite western focused on a lone hero? 

Destry Rides Again (1938), The Man From Laramie (1955), The Man Without a Star (1955).

2) Favorite western focused on a group of compadres? 

The Magnificent Seven (1960), Rango (2011), The Sons of Katie Elder (1965).

3) Favorite western with a female main character? 

The Angel and the Badman (1947)
, The Cowboy and the Lady (1938)The Proud Rebel (1958).

4) Favorite western with a POC main character? 

Duel at Diablo (1966), The Magnificent 7 (2016), Wild Wild West (1999).

5) Favorite western with kids in it? 

Albuquerque (1948), Big Jake (1971)True Grit (1969).

6) Favorite western set somewhere other than the United States? 

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1966), The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1966), The Man From Snowy River (1985).

7) Favorite "western" that doesn't fit the genre's dictionary definition? 

Back to the Future Part III (1990), Home on the Range (2004), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)

8) Favorite funny western? 

Shanghai Noon (2000), Support Your Local Sheriff (1969), Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971).

9) Favorite tragic/sad western? 

Dancing with Wolves (1990), Night Passage (1957), Whispering Smith (1948).

10) Favorite western TV show?

Gunsmoke, Have Gun--Will Travel, The Wild Wild West.

Some of those are right, some are wrong. The world will never know (unless you ask nicely for the answers. Then, of course, I'll tell you immediately).

Thank you so much to the three wonderful hosts! This is always a treat! My dear partners (aka readers), you must read all of the other posts for this event as soon as possible! Links are above.

Is this too easy? How well do you guys know me? What would lies to these questions be for you guys?

Thanks for reading!

Chloe the MovieCritic

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Six Years Ago: Movies Meet Their Match + Behind the Blogger Tag


It's that time of year. In fact, it's that exact day: My blogoversary. Six years ago, Movies Meet Their Match was started. Insane! You guys are fantastic readers and every single comment puts me on cloud 9. Thank you so much for being here! It's been a year that I've been known as Chloe the MovieCritic, and I can't believe that long a time has passed already.

As per tradition, this post is all about reminiscing and looking towards the future! I have lots of goodies for you guys in this post, so I won't dillydally on this intro too much or I'll get emotional.

If you want to visit my past, here all the blogoversary posts I've done previously. This post you're reading is the most relevant, but there are some hilarious stories and happenings in the past ones...: 

Each year as I review things I refine my system more. Well, that didn't happen this year because I did not review anything from July 19th 2021 to July 19th 2022. I talked about my plans for this in the future HERE and HERE, so check that out! I will be reviewing again, just when I have time and not during college. I have actually been working on a post for a few weeks that I want to publish in August of one of my reader requests, so watch for that!

One of the biggest changes from last year is my YouTube channel! I only wrote 26 posts between this year and last (which--wait for it, I'm a math major--averages to one post every other week), and that is explained by college taking my time and how I've focused a lot on this channel. I currently have three videos up, with more on the way. Check it out HERE! I make fan videos/edits for some of my favorite fictional characters. For your viewing ease, I've linked all three of them here for you to watch. SPOILERS FOR THESE CHARACTERS.

Kylo Ren (Star Wars)

Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)

Rapunzel + Eugene (Tangled)

On Sunday, *cough* when I should have been working on the aforementioned review *cough*, I created a header to go with my YouTube channel! As you can see, some of the characters I've already made videos for are on there, so reasoning goes that the remaining characters will be in future videos...Maybe. I'm not confirming or denying anything. Maybe I just love these characters and their gorgeous faces. You'll have to stick around to find out.

(I designed it, so it's...very square. I love geometry, okay? If my sister had done it, it would be more aesthetic, but for the moment I dig it. Do you guys know any of these characters?)

Now for the most important thing (if it's that vital, why did you put it at the bottom, MC? It's my blog, I do what I want). 


My new schedule!

Wait, MC, did you have a schedule before this?

Well, sort of. I mostly posted when I wanted to, but I would plan things out in advance. I still love this carefree air, but I've found I should hold myself more accountable than that. I have so many ideas, I want to get them all out to you guys! The new schedule is once a week in the summer/break seasons on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, and once or twice a month on those days during the school year (I'm giving myself a strict schedule with wiggle room. What else would you expect?). This is the only post you're getting this week because there will be two next week with Legends of Western Cinema Week 2022! Blogathons are an exception along with any time I feel spontaneous.

Me, being ready for anything.

Currently about me:

I am reading: Insurgent - by Veronica Roth.
I am watching: Umbrella Academy. I'm about to start the third season and am terrified.
I am rewatching: High School Musical The Musical The Series. All in preparation for the third season! Did I just watch this for the first time in April? Yes. I love it a lot, okay?

Me whenever I talk about anything I love.

My Top 5 Favorite Books:
Anne of Green Gables - by L. M. Montgomery
Holes - by Louis Sachar
North & South - by Elisabeth Gaskell
Anna Karenina - by Leo Tolstoy

My Top 5 Favorite Movies:
Neither of those favorite lists have changed since last year, but all the same keep an eye on the My Favorites page for any updates.

Last year I did a tag during this blog birthday celebration to make it more exciting. I'm doing that again today with the Behind the Blogger Tag! Thanks to Sam and Violette for choosing me!

I'm ready for my close-up.

Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the questions.
Ping back to the creator: Ellyn of Allonsythornraxx
Nominate 5+ bloggers to do the tag.

Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging?

I started blogging because I loved talking about movies and learning facts about them. My family kept suggesting blogging to be an outlet for this. I'm up to six years, so here's to six more! I have since expanded to books and stories of all kinds, but the name Movies Meet Their Match has stuck. You don't want to get me started...too late!

Words have power my dudes. AND I'M THRIVING ON THEM.

What is your favorite kind of blog post to write?

Since January I've really enjoyed my "Top Ten" posts! I get to spread the love of my favorite stories in fun little ways. I've only done one "First Impression Ramblings" post, but I have SO MANY planned for that category, you'd better hope I enjoy writing it! Then, of course, writing reviews

What are your top three favorite blog posts?

I already listed my top five, so this is just an excuse to list more and talk about myself. I'm so exposed...

What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?

I don't know if I have things that I specifically do to relax. I do stuff because I have deadlines to meet or I'm being lazy. There is no in-between. Whenever I'm worked up and need to calm down I usually listen to music, so let's count that!

Then there's the daydreaming, reading, watching something, and writing.

What are three of your favorite things?

Favorite things? That's a big category! I'm taking that in the literal sense of material objects not people or animals. These are things that might be surprising to my readers...

Board/card games, puzzles, and water.

What are your proudest blogging moments?

Any time someone says they watched/read something because of my review/recommendation. It makes me all fluttery and happy! If you've done this and haven't told me, then I would love to hear it! That and reading posts I wrote awhile ago and they are still "good". I've changed so much since I started blogging (both in my style and my personality) that I usually cringe. When I don't, that's a win!

What are your hobbies outside of blogging?

What do you guys think, should I make sword fighting a hobby? Archery already is one of them, which explains why I love this character.

Not counting ANYTHING related to stories: swimming, doing sudoku or any math, talking with friends. I used to think I was boring because I didn't have many hobbies, but I've found I actually have a lot!

Describe your personality in three words

Sensitive (*cough* caring too much about everything *cough*), friendly, tired (it is a part of my personality, okay?).

Come on' MC, you could have come up with something better!

What are your top three pet peeves?

People touching their hair in public.

People saying "I know" before listening to what someone has to say.

People not obeying traffic rules by waving other drivers to go when it would all be so much faster and easier if everyone did what they were supposed to.

What is something your followers don't know about you?

Oh man, I've been trying to reveal my secrets this whole post! How am I supposed to come up with something else?

Legos have pretty much been my favorite thing since I was born. It has now paid off in math and construction studies...

I tag:
The first five people to comment on this post! This tag is a bit of an older one, otherwise I would tag specific bloggers.

And, that's me!

At your service.

Thank you guys again and again for reading this post, and post over the years! Did I reveal anything you didn't know about me? What is something most people don't know about you? What are your favorite kinds of posts that I do, and if you're a blogger, what are your favorite to write?

Have a great day!

Chloe the MovieCritic

Monday, July 11, 2022

5 Lessons from Cosmo Brown on How to Be the Perfect Best Friend

"Ladies and gentlemen,

I can't tell you how thrilled" I am to be talking about my favorite movie of all time. If you've stuck around for a while, you have probably heard me mention this fact--Singin' in the Rain (1952) is my favorite movie period-- a few times. I think it was 2014 or 2015 when I first saw it (if not longer ago!) and ever since it has been a real challenge for movies to even come close to it. It's not everyone's jam, but it's a movie about movies and as a movie critic it really can't get much better than that. But it is, it's pure comedy gold.

Ever since I saw it all those years ago, I've had a favorite character. I mean, you can't help but love Don and Kathy, but there is someone else who pushes this movie over the top into my heart.

Big ol' blue eyes, Cosmo Brown.

Some people will tell him "Well! What do you know about it? You--you--piano player! Are you anybody?", but he is the heart of this movie. Steadfast and sure, you look for him in every scene. He makes dancing look like such a joy, you can't help but watch him (and his marvelous facial expressions) over anyone else in the shot. He's billed second, so his character is important and the movie wouldn't be the same without him. He doesn't really have an agenda/motivation besides supporting Don, but we love him for it.

He and Don Lockwood are the dictionary definition of "best friends", and today I'll show you all how. I mean, if you've already seen the movie, you know. I've learned a lot from him, and you can, too. These tips can help you "from looking ridiculous at any cost."

Well, Cosmo himself says "No one's got that much money."

Want to be the dictionary definition of "best friend" yourself? Try these five things.

Disclaimer: I don't know if these are spoilers, per say, as that really depends on your definition. But, I think a lot of this won't make sense if you haven't seen the movie Singin' in the Rain (1952). Save reading this post until you have! In order to get the most enjoyment out of it, you know.

5: Be There for Your Friend.

"Well, to begin with, any story of my lifetime career would have to include my lifetime friend, Cosmo Brown! We were kids together, grew up together, worked together!" 
You don't have to have known your best friend from when you were little kids. That would discount a lot of wonderful people! I only met one of my best friends last year. Don and Cos have been friends for ages, but their friendship speaks volume because they are still as tight as ever. Being in the same business, they were able to travel with each other across the country--like to Oatmeal NB--and stick together. But, you don't have to live in the same town to be friends. If that was a requirement I would be out of luck.

When Don got into bigger roles in movies, Cosmo could have moved on but he stayed and "He plays piano on the set to get Don and Lina into those romantic moods." This isn't to say that you should sacrifice your goals in life to be insignificant next to your friend! Not at all! Don't worry about Cosmo, he's going to "stop suffering and write that symphony."

But, what is this, MC? You're telling us all the stuff we don't need to do. What do we need to do?

Look at Cosmo's face! He's happy to see his friend.

Be there. Cosmo is there for every one of Don's big events in life. He is the ultimate cheerleader and supporter. Notice what are milestones for your friend and give them encouragement if you aren't able to gift them with your presence. Cosmo is there even when Don can't be with his girlfriend due to publicity.

I'm mostly here to talk about Cosmo, but a true friendship needs two or more people to be involved, and Don carries his part splendidly. At the start of the movie, people have waited eagerly for Lockwood and Lamont to arrive, and Cosmo has had to suffer their disappointment. When people want to hear from Don, he immediately gives credit to Cosmo. Our Cos is rewarded for his loyalty. Don shakes hands with him (which the reporter isn't too happy with) and puts his arm around Cosmo's shoulder when they walk away. Together.

4: Have your Friend's Back

This is an example of Cos messing around, but seriously, though, Cosmo is a great wingman. He sees Kathy first in the "Beautiful Girl" number, and immediately runs of to get Don. We don't see it, but we know Cosmo has been there every step of the way because he says, "Gee I'm glad you turned up, we've been looking in every cake in town." Without the above gifs, Don wouldn't have even met Kathy, so we have Cosmo to thank for all of this.

Cosmo cares because Don cares and supports him even when everything seems hopelessly messed up. He looks for honor in the people Don deals with.
"Simpson, I once gave you a cigar. Can I have it back?"
He and Don have the spontaneous part of life perfected. They can throw out stories and improvise like no one else. The "Fit as a Fiddle" scene proved that to us. They always back each other up. It's hilarious, the things that you notice in a movie when you aren't watching the person you're supposed to be watching. For example, the way Cosmo reacts when Don says "dignity". He's not going to argue that point, that would be not having his friend's back, but he is marking it down for later.

Cosmo's face says, "Wait a minute..."

3: Be Honest and Encouraging

After Don goes through an embarrassing situation, the first thing he does is consult Cosmo.
'"Listen, Cos, tell me the truth: am I a good actor?"
"Well, as long as I'm working for Monumental pictures, you're the greatest of them all!"
"No, no kidding, Cos. You're my pal, you can tell me."
"What's wrong with you? Of course you're good!"
"Well, maybe you better keep telling me from time to time. I feel a little shaken."
Cosmo is humor in a living form, but he can drop it when he sees his best friend is down. He knows when Don needs shaking up, and after all their years of friendship, he knows exactly how to do it. 
'"Have you ever seen anything so idiotic as me on that screen tonight?"
"Yeah, Lina."
"Well, I ran her a close second."'


There isn't a scene that Don starts out discouraged that he doesn't leave a little more hopeful after Cosmo talks to him. Cosmo reminds Don that things aren't Don's fault and that he does the best he can do. And that is good enough. Which really, is some of the best things a friend can say to you.

Oh my goodness, I love that they are all holding hands!


"Come on now, snap out of it! You can't let a little thing like this get you down! Why, you're Don Lockwood, aren't you? And Don Lockwood's an actor, isn't he? Well what's the first thing an actor learns? 'The show must go on! Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet. The show must go on!'"

2: Help Your Friend Out of Boring Situations

You know those pesky situations where you have to take diction classes because every actor is having to do it? Think of the joy when your best friend comes and gets you out of that situation to have fun. In a musical way, of course. First, you must help your friend say "sniped his snifter" correctly. Then distract the diction coach. Then sing and dance. It's the natural order of things. I don't even have to talk about this as the following speaks for itself.

Only the best of friends would do this with you.

But most importantly,

1: Make 'Em Laugh.


Don't you know the whole world wants to laugh? This goes along with encouragement, but it is cheering people up. It is reminding them of the joys of life. Cosmo has quick responses for everything and is hilarious. He can turn the rainiest day into sunshine.

'Don: "Anyway, I'm through fellas."
Kathy: "Don, you're not through!"
Cosmo: "Of course not! Why, with your looks and your figure, you could drive an ice wagon or shine shoes."
Kathy: "Block hats."
Cosmo: "Sell pencils"
Kathy: "Dig ditches"
Cosmo: "Or worst still, go back into Vaudeville."'
We have the whole "Make 'Em Laugh" scene, but that is not the only time Cosmo performs to turn Don's frown upside down. When the show has been a bust, he makes both Kathy and Don laugh after a reprise of "Fit as a Fiddle". He has a true gift. Everything he does has a touch of slapstick which never fails to brighten Don's day. (And mine. Mostly mine.)
'"Don you're a genius!"
"Hm, I'm glad you thought of it."
"Oh, Cosmo."

'"I can't get her out of my hair! This cooked up romance just for publicity..."
"The price of fame, Don! Now you've got the glory, you gotta take the little heartaches that go with it. Now look at me, I got no glory, I got no fame, I got no big mansions, I got no money, but I've got--what have I got?"
"I don't know, what have you got?"
"I gotta get out of here!"'

That's right, this movie has been around for 70 years, and we're sure glad it has been. Make sure to check out all the other entries! I'm at the last minute, it's almost like I came by way of Australia...

Thanks for reading! Does anyone else love Cosmo as much as I do? What are some lessons you've learned from him? What are your favorite fictional best friends? Until next time,

Chloe the MovieCritic

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

10 Words Stories "Ruined" For Me

Hello, friends!

Ages ago (I just looked it up and apparently it's over two years? Huh, that's where all my lost time has gone) Nicole Dust did a post called A Few of My Ruined Words. In it, she talked about how some "normal words" now prompt a different line of thought whenever they are mentioned. Basically, they are forever imprinted into our mind with a different meaning. Thanks a lot, stories!

As you can guess from the title of this post, I have my own words that do that! Ever since I read her post I've been slowly collecting them, but with a twist. I have tried to find words that no one else (besides my sisters) would find "ruined". This shows a really specific range of what I watch and how deeply I attach myself to them. Well, not intentionally, as most of these I can't help it.

Nicole had them all in a dictionary definition, which was super clever. I'm going to try to do that, but I'm not that clever so I'm also going to directly tell you what it is from and what situations pop up from that word being "ruined".

(If I have a least favorite word in the world, it is probably "ruined", but this idea is so fun I will accept it in this case)

plural noun

1. Your brains, Fezzik's strength, my steel.
2. Why didn't you list [a wheelbarrow] among [them] in the first place

I've been watching The Princess Bride (1987) for as long as I can remember, so it is engrained into my personality. Especially this word for some strange reason. It doesn't come up in common conversation frequently, but when it does I think of Westley.

proper name or noun

1. Someone who does a job because he was trained to do it, not because he loves it.

(see: nails, General)

Sometime I want to do a version with just names and what they make me think of. For example, if someone says Peter, what is the likelihood that I will think of a fictional character? This is just a sampling of that, but I have it in this list because it is a common object that always brings it to mind.

When I'm working with my dad, he'll sometimes have me go get some brads, which are a special kind of nail. Five minutes later, I wonder why I'm thinking about the movie Patton (1970) when I didn't even like it! Well, my favorite character was someone named Brad. What can I say, even my own mind is a mystery to me.


1. As opposed to childish and shot full of holes
2.  Instead of almost any other man who would have to stick around to prove that they are a man and get a whole town shot up to boot. 
3. Taking a job then when the going gets tough he sneaks out (clarify whether in the day or the night).
4. I don't believe it

Really anything Prudy says in Support Your Local Sheriff (1969) is my favorite ever and sticks with me.


1. Something to tempt one away from one's grief if one cares for them.

Guys, you must be wondering what this even is. Mrs. Jennings says olives for all of two seconds in Sense and Sensibility (1995) yet EVERY TIME the word pops up, my sisters and I ask each other, "Does she care for olives?"


pronounced: (plaz * tek)

1. They're just people.

(see: toys)

I found a video on YouTube calling this scene the Best of The Indian in the Cupboard (1995), and it really is. How can one word be so quotable? When it's said a certain way, of course.


1. Gusteau's
2. Surprising because someone left a review condemning it to the tourists.

I have more that I can do with Ratatouille (2007), so look for those in the future. Who here thinks I'm like Anton Ego? *raises hand*

plural noun

1. killed, or worse, expelled. 
2. Something she needs to sort out.

Like Ratatouille, there are several words Harry Potter has set aside in my mind, so here's a taste. I'm starting to see a pattern of characters making the words so memorable, so does a rose by any other name smell as sweet? (Translation: If they said different words at these times, would THOSE stick with me? Sorry, I'm tired and have been working on this all day, so sense is long gone)

soy sauce

1. cleaning material? Does not, in fact, remove spots
2. Mrs. Meers swears by it.

Keep in mind that just because it is on this list, that doesn't mean I like the movie. It is just stuck in my head. It's surprising because I only saw Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) for the first time a few years ago yet it's already made impressions.


pronounced: (spe * shi * ality)

1. Scaring.

Should I love Descendants 2 (2017) as much as I do? Probably not, but I don't care. Harry could say "cheese" and it would be terrifying. My sisters and I always say "speciality" like he does and it annoys our mom because she doesn't get it.


1. Easy to handle, quick to the helm, fast, bright.
2. Everything a boat should be. Until she develops dry lot.

MC, how often does "yar" come up in normal conversation? Okay, not that often. But, when people say "arr" like a pirate, my brain usually goes to The Philadelphia Story (1940). It's also a great Scrabble word, even though my dictionary doesn't recognize it.

There you have it! I just love this idea of Nicole's and want to thank her a lot for the inspiration. And thanks to all of you for reading! Are any of these words "ruined" for you in the same way? What about different ways? Any other words you feel like mentioning?

I hope you all have a happy July!

Chloe the MovieCritic