
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

One Year Ago ~ Movies Meet Their Match

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very excited to tell you that today is a special day for this blog, or it was a year ago.
If you haven't guessed, one year ago today I decided to start a blog.
I had been brainstorming ideas. I knew I wanted to do a movie review blog, but what to call it? I thought of how if movies are based on books, the books are a pretty tough competitor and the movies will have a hard time winning against them. *poof!* The name Movies Meet Their Match came into my head. Then, soon after THIS POST popped up.
Crazy idea
19 followers, (July 19th, 19 followers...)
5,735 page views.
90 posts (91 counting this one!):
Most popular post: Movie/Series Review: Pride & Prejudice 1995 - Episode One
Viewed by:
United States - 3880
Russia - 647
France - 226
Netherlands - 202
China - 169
Canada - 99
Portugal - 92
Australia - 53
Ireland - 50
Germany - 40

Changes: (Here is what I said my reviews would be like in my first post, changes are in green)
MOVIE EXAMPLE: Everything is either 1-10. 10 is the best.
Some kind of movie.
(I also might have some history on the movie or book.) The movie plot.
Costumes: 6
My favorite:
Script: 4
Directed by:
Produced by:
Written by:
Actors: (Starring:) 9
Music by:
(If I think there could be better actors I will put them here.)
Good Quotes: "And I keyn't stan' 'em." (Sorry, I couldn't find any other way to get the accent right.)
Storyline: 2 ( I really like it to be original or if they are doing something based on a book, I will rate it on how close to the book it is.)
Good For:
Overall Score:

And for books pretty much the same but with:
BOOK EXAMPLE: 1-10. 10 is the best.
Book name.
Characters: 7
(I will probably list my favorite)
Words: 3
(I like authors who use lots of words.)
Storyline: 9
(This is completely based on how I liked it. Tell me your opinion too!)
Pretty much the same.

About Moi ~ currently:
I am reading:
Five Glass Slippers - by Elizabeth Brown, Emma Clinton, Rachel Heffington, Stephanie Ricker, and Clara Diane Thompson.
I am re-watching:
Robin Hood BBC
Favorite book:
Anne of Green Gables - by L. M. Montgomery
Favorite movie:
Singin' in the Rain (1952) [Hmm.. I wonder if that is the reason this post has so many Donald O'Connor pictures...]

In a few more posts, it will be my 100th post! If you want to ask any book or movie related questions I would love to answer them in that post!

One more thing:
On August 9th, 2017, I am going to be a co-writer of another blog! "What!? That is crazy, MC. You just hit the one year mark and you are on another blog!?" you say, but, this is no ordinary blog ("Okay, MC, who has ever heard of an 'ordinary' blog." Good question. My bad.) This is........
The Rebellious Writing Website!!

Gray Marie started this movement!
I don't know what my deal with National Velvet is today.
Thank you so much for reading my blog for a year! It has been such a great writing opportunity!



  1. Oh! Congratulations!! How fun. So! You're favorite book is AoGG?? ;) :O <3. And I absolutely love Singing in the Rain as well! Donald O'Conner is so wonderful! <3

    Congrats again, can't wait for you're 100th post, and keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you! Yes, AoGG is my favorite book. :) I just love everything about it! My sisters haven't read it because every time they pick it up I have to read a chapter in it! SitR is so amazing! I love all the actors!

      Thank you so much!!!!!

  2. That's awesome!!! XD Congratulations!!!!!!

  3. Oh that's wonderful, MovieCritic! Congratulations!!!

    I love Singing in the Rain too! And National Velvet is pretty good too.


    1. Thank you, Catherine!!!!

      Yes, they are very good movies!! :D

  4. Way to go, MovieCritic!! :D Congrats!!

    P.S. Gotta love Singin' in the Rain, right? :D

  5. Hurrah!!! One whole year. That's awesome! CONGRATULATIONS MOVIECRITIC!! :D

    And I'm loving all the Donald O'Conner and National Velvet pictures!! They're perfect! <3 :D

    ~Miss March

    1. Thank you so much, Miss March! Your comment made me so happy!

      Thank you! We all know that you are the master at putting pictures in posts, so it is really good that you approve! ;D

  6. Congratulations MovieCritic!

    Can't believe another year is passed.

    I am really glad that I found your lovely blog and I am glad to be one of your followers. :)

    1. Thank you, Rachel!

      I know! It seems like I just started!

      Aw, thank you so much, Rachel! That really makes my day! I am so glad to have followers like you! :D


To comment, or not to comment? That is the question. Whatever you decide, I would love to hear from you!! I am always open to suggestions, advice, and any other comments! Even if you don't agree with me, I would love to hear from you as long as you keep the comment respectful and on subject. And, please, no swearing. I love comments on old posts!!
My computer won't let me leave comments, so it might take a few days, but I will reply!