
Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Jimmy Stewart Blogathon is Here!

Hello, fellow movie fans!

The day that you have all been waiting for has come. Today, May 18th, is the first day of my Jimmy Stewart Blogathon!
If you have a post to share, you can post it either today, on the 19th or the 20th. When you do post it, please leave me a comment on this post with the link to yours so I can put it in this post and read it!

I am so excited to read all of your thoughts on my favorite actor! My other posts will be going up tomorrow and on the 20th.

The entries:

Tiffany Brannan writes about how we usually see him as the hero, but he makes a fabulous villian, too, in her post An Unlikely Murderer: Jimmy Stewart in “Rose Marie” from 1936.

Megan Chappie wrote a stunning post, A TRIBUTE TO GEORGE BAILEY. He is one of the best fictional characters of all time, and my favorite role for Jimmy Stewart, too!
I join the party with a review of the 1939 movie, It's a Wonderful World.

Hamlette reviews one of her favorites, Harvey (1950), which shows how Jimmy could be sweet without being ridiculous.

I contribute my last post, about Why Jimmy Stewart is My Favorite Actor.

Tiffany at Pure Entertainment Preservation Society has her second post about how Jimmy was 'born to act' in the movie Born to Dance (1936).

Thank you all for participating! I had a blast, and I hope that you did too!



  1. Here is my first article for this blogathon: This is the one about "Rose Marie." I hope that your blogathon is going well! I will send you the other article tomorrow.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thank you so much, Tiffany! I enjoyed reading your article! I really want to see that movie now that I know what a good job he did in it.

  2. My post on George Bailey is up!

    Thank you for this opportunity to squeal about It's A Wonderful Life in the middle of spring/summer. :)

    1. Yay! I'm so glad that you were able to participate! George Bailey is such an amazing character, and you did him full justice in your post! :)

  3. Here's my review of Harvey (1950) for you! Looking forward to reading the other contributions :-)

    1. Whoohoo! I've been looking forward to your review of it for awhile now, so I'm really glad that you were able to!

  4. Here is the link to my second Jimmy Stewart article: I hope your blogathon was a great success!

    I received your comment. I will breen "South Pacific," but both films were great suggestions. I hope to be able to publish the article this Thursday.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Oh, what an interesting article! I really want to see that now. I would love to see him in a musical! I agree, some times you just want a light, fun watch without the drama.

      Awesome! I look forward your post on Thursday!

      Thank you so much for participating in this blogathon! I would definitely call it a success!

    2. I just published my article on "South Pacific:" I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you like it! Thank you for this great topic and for participating in "What the Code Means to Me."

      Yours Hopefully,

      Tiffany Brannan

    3. Yay! I'm so happy that you chose that one! I watched it once, a long time ago, but didn't like it. Reading your post, I feel like with all of the changes you listed I would have greaty enjoyed it!

    4. I'm so glad you think so. It means a lot to me when people respond positively to my Breening Thursday series. I put a lot of work into those articles, and I don't get a lot of feedback. I really enjoyed the topic. Thank you for suggesting it! I never have liked "South Pacific" either, but I did enjoy rewatching it to remind myself about it. I think that it was an informative film to breen. Thank you so much participating in the series! I look forward to your future participation with PEPS! Good luck with all your endeavors on your website.

      Yours Hopefully,

      Tiffany Brannan

    5. I do wish that I could comment on your sight because I really find your Breening Thursday articles interesting! I can definitely tell that you and your sister put so much work into them. I'm glad that you liked breening it! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate! Thank you Tiffany, I wish the same to you!


To comment, or not to comment? That is the question. Whatever you decide, I would love to hear from you!! I am always open to suggestions, advice, and any other comments! Even if you don't agree with me, I would love to hear from you as long as you keep the comment respectful and on subject. And, please, no swearing. I love comments on old posts!!
My computer won't let me leave comments, so it might take a few days, but I will reply!