
Thursday, February 14, 2019

The "Meet-Cute" in My Favorite Movie: Singin' in the Rain

Hello, and Happy Valentine's Day!
Because it is in fact Valentine's Day, Phyl at Phyllis Loves Classic Movies is hosting (what is hoped to become an annual thing) The Meet-Cute Blogathon!
I don't watch many romances (actually, I do, but I couldn't think of anything else), but I did decide to talk about my favorite for this blogathon. I have already reviewed it HERE (I felt obliged to link to it, but please don't click it. It was the second movie I reviewed on this blog and I didn't have a system down yet), but I want to just talk about the certain scene. Because of that...

Spoiler Alert! If you haven't seen the movie Singin' in the Rain, do not read any more! Also, if you haven't seen it this won't make any sense.

"I need the right setting."

You can watch it yourself here:

What I like:

1. Don Lockwood made his career as a stuntman, and that shows through here because he climbed the trolley and jumped into Kathy's car trying to escape.
2. That he used the line his best friend Cosmo Brown said to him earlier: "We movie stars get the glory, I guess we have to take the little heart aches that go with it."
Him, being dramatic.
3. How Kathy is a little annoyed that he scared her so she makes up the story of only seeing him in one movie.
4. All the facial expressions!
5. "You expect every girl you meet to fall in a dead faint at your feet!" You go Kathy! That was a lesson he needed to learn!
6. "Farewell, Ethel Barrymore, I must tear myself from your side!"

Anyway, if you haven't seen this movie, you must!! It is my favorite movie of. all. time!

Thank you so much to Phyl for hosting this! Make sure you go read about all of the other meet-cute moments, HERE.

Thanks for reading!



  1. I do love this part in the movie! The character are awesome and the story is different! It is a great movie!

    1. A classic! The whole movie makes me so happy, but this is one of my favorite parts! It is! I'm so glad to find someone else who likes it!


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My computer won't let me leave comments, so it might take a few days, but I will reply!