Hi, friends!
How are you all doing? Right now I would be very involved in school except I'm sick (don't worry, I've been watching BBC's Pride & Prejudice so I'll be well in no time).
Instead, I'm going to join in Heidi's Inklings! I haven't been able to participate since August and while I've come up with ideas for the other prompts I never got around to post them. To start off the year strong I'm linking up today with the activities!
How it works:
1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt, including a link back to the original post in your post.
2. Leave a link to your post in the comments section of the monthly post and she'll post all your links with the next prompt.
Click HERE to see all of my past entries, and click HERE to see all of the entries for this month! January is kicking off with the following prompt:
A scene at sunrise
I originally had a different scene in mind, but I couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that there was a scene with character A showing character B something at sunrise. And I became very attached to whatever scene this was. With perseverance, I finally thought of it!
My pick for this month is a scene from The Book of Life (2014), which has the bonus of being animated and sunrise art is lovely.
I love this movie in more ways than is probably healthy.
Spoiler alert: this scene happens about 60% of the way through, so while there is still a lot more fun that happens afterwards (I'm stopping talking about it right before drama goes down), if you haven't seen this movie you might want to skip this post. Or you can enjoy the gorgeously animated pictures. It's your choice.
Manolo asked Maria to meet him at the bridge and when she gets there she finds a path of candles. The beginning notes of a song float through the air as the walk across the bridge is accompanied by "Can't Help Falling in Love" performed by Diego Luna's gentle voice.
What Manolo wanted to show Maria is how the first rays of light make San Angel glitter.
"What you're feeling, that's how I feel every time I'm with you..."
And then everything goes downhill. Good times.
Thanks to Heidi for hosting! Has anyone else seen this movie? Are there other animated movies that you love for their sunrise illustrations? Are there other movies where characters show each other the sunrise?
Thanks for reading!
Chloe the MovieCritic
OK first of all: you'd BETTER get well soon. The BBC Pride & Prejudice is a good choice of medicine. (My writer's group did an activity that involved reading scenes by different authors, and when it was revealed that the next scene would be The Proposal Scene most of the women present [myself included] flat-out fangirled. And it was hilarious.)
ReplyDeleteSecond of all: THE BLOG IS SO PRETTY. It's good to be back. *plops down into a metaphorical chair*
Third of all: I LOVE THE BOOK OF LIFE SO MUCH and this scene is SO PRETTY and the music in general is *happy scream* and Manolo and Maria are SO CUTE and (not related to this scene in particular) Juaquin is just THE BEST (not because he is a paragon of virtue like Manolo, obviously, but because he is so flawed and funny and...like...believable and over-the-top at the same time). Before I actually saw this movie the unconventional animation style had me raising my eyebrows? But when you actually sit down to watch it the brilliance of it is manifestly apparent. Just...such a well-realized group of friends the three main characters are. So much character development going down everywhere all the time. Such classic tropes spun into such an original story. I just love it so much. Bravo on your choice of scene, in short. :)
Yeah, this movie really hits one in the feels, eh? Great choice!