
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Movie Review: Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

Hello, everyone!

In honor that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and you might be looking for a movie to watch, I am going to review a Best Picture winning movie from the 1989 Oscars. This is what my family watched last year, and the story is very fitting especially because in one part it features Martin Luther King Jr. giving a speech. Enjoy!

My guarantee: On ALL of my reviews there are NO spoilers unless I give you warning. This is spoiler free!

Driving Miss Daisy (1989):
Based on: Driving Miss Daisy (a play) - by Alfred Uhry.
"Think what you want, I know the truth."
When Mrs. Daisy Werthan has an accident with her car, her son, Boolie, realizes that she is getting too old to drive herself around. She greatly enjoys going on rides so Boolie hires her a chauffeur. Hoke Colburn is grateful to have a job and wants to do everything that he can, but she doesn't trust him. Slowly, a friendship begins to form between Daisy and Hoke through their experiences driving together.
"She's probably gonna throw a fit."
Genre: Drama.
Length: approx. 137 minutes.
Costumes: 8, they fitted the time perfectly.
Costumes by: Elizabeth McBride.
Script: 8, a few bad words and some name calling, but the name calling is shown as bad and wrong.
"That's the silliest thing I've ever heard of in my life! Who cares if the light bulbs are dusted?"
Directed by: Bruce Beresford.
Written by: Alfred Uhry.
Morgan Freeman as Hoke Colburn.
Jessica Tandy as Daisy Werthan. "Are you trying to irritate me in the middle of a nice storm?"
Dan Aykroyd as Boolie Werthan.
Esther Rolle as Idella.
Patti Lupone as Florine Werthan.
William Hall Jr. as Oscar.
Joann Havrilla as Miss McClatchey.
Muriel Moore as Miriam.
Sylvia Kaler as Beulah.
Crystal R. Fox as Katie Bell.
Cinematography: 8. Nice, I like the use of the car mirrors.
Cinematography by: Peter James.
Music: 10! This is quite a familiar tune in my household. It has such a simplicity that I love.
Music by: Hans Zimmer.
Quotes: 8.
'"Momma, you can do anything you want."
"Thank you for your permission."'
Oscars won: 4: Best Picture, Best Actress (Jessica Tandy), Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Makeup.
Content: 8, there is smoking, talk about killings, and things to do with the bathroom. The movie is about racism, and why that is unjust and wrong. We see several instances of prejudice against people and talk about it.
Originality: 8, it is nice to see a quiet movie, and I like the relationship explored between a Jewish lady and an African American chauffeur!
Good For: I think this is an important movie for everyone, but especially for people who have been through seeing the ones that they love age and grow old.
Age Range: This movie is rated PG, and I would agree with that. It does explore some deeper themes that might be hard to grasp for someone really young, but it is really clean.
Overall Score: 8!
Bonus thoughts:
"Some days she's better than others, but who ain't?"
I know that many people think that this movie is sad and confusing, and it is, but for some reason I really liked it. I think most of what contributes to that is that I have experienced a big thing from this, namely, watching people that you know grow old and forget people and things. It is hard, but a fact of life, and all of us have seen it in some way.
This movie reminds me a lot of To Kill A Mockingbird, and while I love that more, this one still has its moments. It shows how sometimes we judge other people and forget that they may be judging us, but the best thing is to not judge at all. My mom told my sisters and I that the message to take away from this movie is:
"Love conquers injustice."

Have any of you seen this movie? Any suggestions for films to watch on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Thank you for reading!



  1. I haven't seen this movie in years, but it's such a sweet one.

    I intend to watch something with Sidney Poitier in it tonight. Possibly Buck and the Preacher, which is all about African-Americans trying to move out west and be pioneers. I also recommend Blackboard Jungle as an excellent one to watch today -- have you seen that yet? Young, wonderful Sidney Poitier, and prime Glenn Ford. I reviewed it a few years ago.

    1. I feel like it's one of those movies that you don't watch a lot, but whenever you do you appreciate it more.

      I am sad to say that I haven't seen any Sidney Poitier movies yet! I need to fix this. Blackboard Jungle sounds really good! Excellent review. Oh, and with Buck and the Preacher it sounds like you are doing research for your Snow White retelling! I hope that you enjoy it!

    2. Oh, you definitely need to try to see some of Poitier's stuff! He's an elegant actor.

      Buck and the Preacher was good, and I hope to review it at some point -- maybe for Poitier's birthday next month. He'll be 93!

    3. I started watching Dual at Diablo once and I've seen a few scenes from Lilies of the Field, but I need to just sit down and watch one of his movies all the way through!

      Oh, I'll look forward to that! :-)

  2. Aw this looks so sweet! I'll have to watch it sometime. The theme about getting older is one that could use more attention, I think. We're so willing as a culture to not think about our elderly. :(

    1. I believe that you'd enjoy it a lot, Megan! Oh yes, I'm trying to think, but I can't remember seeing any other movie with this theme! It is very important, though!

  3. I haven't seen this movie but it looks sweet. One of my IRL friends recommended it to me and since you did to, it might be good for me to check it out.

    1. You should totally see it sometime. At first I thought that it was a little boring, but once I got into it I realized how important it is!

  4. Sounds good! I really want to watch it! :)

    1. Yeah, it's a good activity for a winter day! Let me know what you of it! :)


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