
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Inkling Explorations // July 2016

This month I am joining up with Heidi Peterson's Inkling Explorations, a monthly link-up for story lovers. I know it's really short, but it's my first one!!!

This month's selection is: A scene with a traveler arriving home in book or film.

I have chosen a scene from the movie, Willow. 

SPOILER ALERT!!! If you have not see the movie Willow, I recommend that you don't read this since it will give things away.

A little background:
Willow is a movie about a nelwyn, Willow, who finds a baby who will lead to the downfall of the evil Queen Bavmorda. 

Mostly this scene is music and pictures, but I will do my best to explain.

After a lot of adventures Willow, bids his friends good-bye and he starts home.

Everyone in his village thought he was long dead when, he rides into town. At first, people are confused then they start to say,"Is that Willow?" They realize he is home and a hero!
He is going along when, he sees Kaiya, his wife, walking in town. "Kaiya!" He yells and scrambles down from his pony.

She looks up and sees him. "Willow!"

They run and embrace. Willow looks up when he hears, "Daddy! Daddy!" His two children come running and then they all hug.
Thank you so much Heidi! This was so fun!! Go check out her blog HERE.

I hope you all enjoy reading this!



To comment, or not to comment? That is the question. Whatever you decide, I would love to hear from you!! I am always open to suggestions, advice, and any other comments! Even if you don't agree with me, I would love to hear from you as long as you keep the comment respectful and on subject. And, please, no swearing. I love comments on old posts!!
My computer won't let me leave comments, so it might take a few days, but I will reply!